The Mandemic (Covid-19)

 How to even begin, I must first be grateful for the fact that I am even alive to date.  According to the media and the news, thousands are dead, hospitals are full and the world grapples with the reality of outside being a place to fear.  We have never experienced anything like this before, was it made, or was it a naturally occurring virus, something we think about each day but will we ever really know?  

Some of us stay updated with the news, some of us do not even want to watch the news, coronavirus! coronavirus! coronavirus! Does it ring a bell? Fear, Paranoia, aggression, unhappiness, stagnation, demotivation, separation, depression, anxiety, pain, death, and loneliness are all the bitter pills we've been prescribed.

What started out as another television news broadcast turned so quickly into a metaphoric weather forecast, each day we wonder what is next, another family member lost to this pest.  We are forced to face a reality we never were prepared for but here we are still thriving amidst the unsettled dust.

It is an attack on livelihood, redundancies, stock market changes, businesses closing, political grievances, medical mass trauma as nurses and doctors become overwhelmed with the inflow of patients. The universities we all studied never prepared us for this, treating symptoms scientists are unable to keep track of.  The mutation of the virus is rapid and genius, it is as if this virus assessed well and launch an army of troops against the population, taking revenge on us, as if punishing us for secret things we have done in our lives.

Everyone is affected whether they have been tested positive or negative, we all are suffering mentally, socially, emotionally, financially, and even spiritually as churches close their doors in obedience to government guidelines.  

Where is God in all of this? What is his take on all this? Is it he who is punishing mankind? He is right here in our hearts, souls, mind, and spirits. We only need to kneel and pray for hope, strength, peace, healing, patience, humility, and forgiveness.  Sometimes we forget that it is only the Lord who can ease our worries, for those of us believing in the Bible and Jesus Christ, we can attest to a pandemic in Egypt some thousands of years ago.

This happened when Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, there were deaths, sickness, and plagues in many ways Coronavirus can be likened to a plague.  God allows a lot to happen because he is a man of his word but he also taught us one thing and it is through prayer we are able to overcome.

There are a lot of non-believers of this gospel of Jesus Christ and while I understand their stories the fact still remains that we are spirited beings with the ability to defeat every obstacle we are faced with as long as we keep focused on overcoming.

As a young Christian my Faith in Jesus Christ has grown in more depth during this pandemic, I had no one to depend on but God, my parents can't stop the virus, scientists can't stop the virus, nurses and doctors are overworked, and still cannot stop the virus.  None of us can wash our hands enough, sanitize enough, wear masks and gloves enough, or even social distance enough to stop this virus.

What then are we left to do but pray, prayer has healing properties, it is not just to ask for things, it is to ease the mind, soul, body, and spirit.  We have faith we will be alright, we can cope and we trust that if we get the virus then we will be healed.  What of those Christians who caught the virus and died? Is it that God did not protect them? No, it is that in this season of a pandemic we are human beings; flesh and blood living on earth, and what affects earth will inevitably affect us.   

Yes, the Israelites were protected by the blood of the lamb from death, so too are our souls and spirits protected by the Blood of the Ultimate Lamb - Jesus Christ, who was slain from the foundation of the world.  He came that we might have life and that more abundantly, more so spiritually than naturally. It is in these times that we look up as our redemption draws closer.

Romans 8:38-39 " For I am persuaded, that neither, death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  

These verses are reassuring and reminds us that our journey is far more spiritual than it is natural because if death cannot separate us from God then it means death is not final. Glory to God!!!!!!!!

It means that we are not to fear a natural death because our spirits remain connected to the Almighty. Omnipotent! Omnipresen! Omnicient! God - Jesus Christ!

Once we are walking in the spirit we need not fear coronavirus nor the vaccine to be honest because Jesus walked this walk of Faith, he never feared death yet he was crucified but he rose on the third day.  We as believers in Jesus Christ have ressurection power, that same power that rose Jesus from the dead, lives within us and we are more than able to overcome infirmities - Ephesians 1:20-22.  The will of God must prevail over our lives and we cannot live a life in fear because God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of Power and of LOve and of a Sound Mind - 2 Timothy 1:7

This Mandemic is not for the faint of heart, it is for us to ready ourselves for the feature as times will become even more tougher.  The enemy is still out seeking to devour us now is not he time to stop praying, fasting and reading the word of God.  The time is now when true worshippers must lift up their voices in praise and worship from within their, bedrooms, living rooms unto Jesus.👏👏👏


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